DOCR for 26 November 2015

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 00:35

Card: Queen of Pentacles

Morning Interpretation: I’m looking in The Key to the Tarot first, and I find I’m to expect opulence and generosity; magnificence as well, and security as well as liberty. According to Power Tarot, this card represents a woman who showers “her creations” with tender-loving-care. Practical and a go getter, she’s protective, nurturing, and procreative in her aspect of motherhood. In A Reading indicates I’m seeking out practical solutions to issues, and I have the capacity for coming up with a plan that can be effectively implemented. I’m told under Work that I’ll build on my achievements and will be recognized for them. I’m happiest within my private world, surrounded by things of my choosing which give me comfort, and I’m not behaving impulsively. Romance tells me that the place I’ve reached suits me, “even if it’s solitary”; I’m not actively looking for love, because I’m content with where I am on my own, though I wouldn’t turn down an interesting prospect. Under Finances, I’m told that my money situation is quite good; I’m to splurge. The Health section indicates that my overall health is very good, though I’m somewhat bothered by little things; if I have any medical tests, they’ll come out in my favor. I’m entering a “spiritually rich period” of life, according to the Spirituality section; everything’s falling into place as they should. Empowerment tells me I’ll use my “wealth and abilities to empower” others and myself.

Notes: (Morn) Note the First: I had this card on the 11th of this month, but that was with my Art of Tarot deck. Note the Second: There appear to be a few accuracies in today’s card. In A Reading, Romance, and the Health sections all appear to align to my life as it is currently.

Outcome of Day: So, I splurged on something. I needed it, too. It should be here by the end of next week, if delivery estimates were correct.

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