DOCR for 21 November 2015

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 00:56

Card: Eight of Pentacles

Morning Interpretation: Well, The Key to the Tarot tells me this card is about work and craftsmanship, employment. I’ll display skill in craft or business or perhaps both, and I may be commissioned to do a work. Aaaaannnnnd, let’s revisit Power Tarot‘s definitions of this card and see if I can gain any better message from it. The general description of this card tells me this one focuses on education. In A Reading indicates any long-term tasks I tackle will have “excellent future prospects.” I may be sent to school or receive on the job training. Under the Work section, I’m told that I may be asked to do a task which I have little previous knowledge of, but that my “interest, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn” will go a long way toward making it a success. Romance (for something a little different) indicates I may meet someone in a class or at a workshop. I’m also told that financial aid for my studies will come through, under the Finances section, and that now isn’t a good time make any major changes to my financial situation. The Health section warns me all the changes in my life will likely make me feel poorly in some way; I’m to monitor my diet, take care of my health, and in general wait it out. The Spirituality section tells me something I’ve been aware of and try to live by every day now: my “point of power lies in the present, in the Now.” It may be a good idea for me to reinforce this however, and Power Tarot offers suggestions on what I can use to help me. And, finally, Empowerment indicates my great pride in my accomplishments will show.

Notes: (Morn) Note the First: I found this deck very difficult to shuffle at first, but assumed it was more to do with stiff, clumsy hands than the deck itself, and it soon straightened it self out and let me shuffle comfortably (I’m rarely, if ever, going to assume the deck is difficult because of some esoteric feely-vibey reason; the most of that kind of thinking I invest in my decks is which one I chose to do any readings from at any given time, though I will admit to occasionally considering tucking one or another under my pillow—which I have never done, and if I did would do so more out of “affection” for the cards than because I’m trying to infuse them with my spiritual vibes). Note the Second: I had this card just the other day. I used my Deviant Moon deck that time.

Outcome of Day: I wonder, in my exhausted state, if this isn’t a foretelling of my somewhat-distant future and not my immediate future.

Random Readings #3

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 00:21

Date: 18 November 2015

Reading: Card VI THE LOVERS popped out when I was shuffling to do my DOCR.

The general description of this card explains it’s mostly about choices which may concern a love affair, and I find it interesting this card popped out on the same morning when I pulled the Nine of Cups which, in the Romance section, indicates I may meet someone who I need at this point in my life. Other suggestions offered concern the possibility I’ll have to make a choice between taking a personal risk or staying in a secure spot or situation. In A Reading tells me right off the bat a new romantic relationship is “right around the corner.” I’m disregarding the part about established relationships because I’m not in one. It also tells me I may be feeling divided about some major issue in my life. Work tells me I’m facing a decision that will result in improvement in my career. I’m looking at something that seems to be negative on the surface, but which will actually ultimately prove to be a positive thing in my life. Under Health, I’m warned I need to consider whether I should change my lifestyle. Empowerment tells me to “Decide. And then move on . . . ” and that I’ll feel confident I’ve made the right decision.

Notes: I’m taking advantage of a voc rehab program up at the VA and have hit some stumbling blocks that have caused me to reconsider my future career path. I believe this card may be indicating the choices I’ve made to refocus on other options that have come up may be the best decision I could make for my future.

DOCR for 14 November 2015

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 00:31

Card: Six of Pentacles

Morning Interpretation: In The Key to the Tarot, I’m told to expect gifts or gratification of something. I’m guessing something desired. Also states that another reading could be that “now is the accepted time,” and I must be vigilant. There is possible present prosperity. I’m told in Power Tarot that “Assistance is available.” That I’ll get what I need, even if not strictly financial. Under In A Reading, I’m told I’ve come around “a critical bend” and something better is on the way. I’m going to receive help and my struggles will soon pass. Under Work, I’m given to understand that my recently-launched project will be successful, that “the seemingly impossible” will become completely possible. My finances will improve somehow, according to the Finances section. Empowerment tells me that I’ll attract all I need if I share with others.

Notes: (morn) This card applies to my current life in a number of ways, as I see it. It could be telling me that now is the proper time for me to take the leap into getting an education, which I have just started the process for at the VA. I could certainly use some windfall money this month, as I’ve already spent to the line. It could also be telling me that my struggles with my writing are over (which would make me happy) and that things will get easier with it again.

Outcome of Day: Considering my effort to get into school and my qualification for a program at the VA which will help me do so, I believe that is what this card refers to.

DOCR for 12 November 2013

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 00:30

Card: Two of Wands

Notes: (morn) All 78 cards are in the deck! I found 1 card turned around, and, for learning, I want them all upright, so I checked the backs of each card, counting them as I did so because I tend to count things. Not OCD, just an inveterate counter-of-things.

Morning Interpretation: In The Key to the Tarot, I’m told there is “no marriage possible” between the two differing meanings of the upright card. One definition predicts fortune and magnificence. The other definition is decidedly grim: Physical illness and/or emotional difficulties and upsets. The Power Tarot definitions I generally look at are much more positive. The general description tells me success is coming, though not as quickly as it might arrive with the three of wands. Under In A Reading, I’m told I’m involved in a working partnership that pleases me. The Work section describes working in a business or creative partnership that will bring good news. The Empowerment section, however, is the one I think fits me best at this particular time; I’m told that I’m the holder of the secret to my own growth and that I should open myself up to “all possibilities.”

Outcome of Day: Well, today, among other things, I did some assessment tests for getting into an educational track at the VA that should help me get my life in order. Also figured out a tentative working budget for what income I’m expecting to have over the duration of this educational quest. So, success is on the way, just not as quickly as I want it. LOL And, I still think the Empowerment section fits best.

DOCR for 10 November 2015

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 00:37

Card: Seven of Swords

Notes: (Morn) Today, I’m going in to the VA’s admin building to see about getting assistance for going to school this coming January.

Morning Interpretation: The Divinatory Meaning found in The Key to the Tarot seems particularly fitting—and neither too optimistic nor too pessimistic. The pertinent words from this definition seem to be “attempt, wish, hope” and “a plan that may fail.” Oddly, the Power Tarot definition for this card doesn’t seem to fit my coming day, no matter what section I read or how I choose to interpret the definition. Even taking the most figurative view I can of the different sections, the closest I get is that I need to play my “cards” carefully in order to secure the “deal” I’m hoping to. Under In A Reading, I’m warned that I’ll need to rely on diplomacy and my intellect in order to attain my goal, and that being aggressive is highly inadvisable.

Outcome of Day: Well, the initial phase of Operation Education didn’t fail today. I’m qualified for the VA program I signed up for. Now I need to complete a battery of tests and see about other things. But am too tired to feel excited/scared about all this. Going to bed.

DOCR for 3 November 2015

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 07:46

Card: Knight of Wands

Notes: I think the Rider Waite deck is now my second-favorite deck. The color scheme is butt-ugly, but I like the feel of them in my hands as I shuffle, and they still have a bit of their unique “new card” scent.

Morning Interpretation: According to The Key to the Tarot, this card is about travel or migration. A house-move is possible (though, for me, I doubt it); and a young, friendly, dark man may come into my life today. Looking at the Power Tarot definitions tells me that it’s likely I’ll find something I’m looking for without even looking for it. This is a time of spiritual development, and synchronicity will play a role in my day. Remaining enthusiastic and upbeat is important, too, as that will have some bearing on my possibility for success.

Outcome of Day: Well, I traveled . . . a little. Out to Starbucks with a couple of friends who also took me to grocery shopping. I wouldn’t call my one friend young (he’s in his mid-40’s, iirc, and slightly older than I am), but he’s definitely dark and friendly. At the grocery store, I needed to find one particular thing I don’t usually purchase, and happened to find it on an end cap before I’d even thought of looking for it. Overall, I’d call the day successful, both writing-wise and with out-of-the house errand-type things.

DOCR for 2 November 2015

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 01:10 (Look, binary numbers!) for card; 02:04 for reading

Card: Queen of Wands

Notes: I shuffled, drew the card, and my computer, where my Tarot diary is, froze on me. After much travail (and about half an hour), I got it functional again.

Morning Interpretation: The best I can get from The Key to the Tarot‘s definition of this card is feminine influence that is likely to be lively. The female is the creative, so I can easily believe that. “Also, love of money.” I will refrain from saying something flippant. This card, according to Power Tarot is about having ideas and implementing them, usually in work. I’d have to say this is easily apt to my current situation. Creative ideas for my writing are flowing steadily and have been for days now.

Outcome of Day: Yes, the ideas for my writing flowed. But I’m tired and going to bed early.

DOCR for 28 October 2015

Deck: Rider Waite

Time: 00:18

Card: Nine of Pentacles

Notes: (morning) (1) I think I’ve gotten this card before in a reading somewhere recently. (2) I really do find the definitions of the cards from The Key to the Tarot, which came with my deck, to be exceedingly unhelpful most of the time.

Morning Interpretation: None of the Power Tarot definitions I usually look at precisely fit what I think my day will be. The closest to my current situation it gets is describing a contentment with my home and taking pleasure in decorating it as I see fit. Also in the fact that I don’t need constant companionship in order to be happy. And that’s from the general description of the card. Under In A Reading, I’m told I’ll experience financial stability. Under Work, I’m to understand I’ll have good fortune with my job and/or it’ll help stabilize my income. I’m told under Empowerment that I am my own best friend—which is actually the case most of the time anyway. I have a Mark Bible study to go to this evening, and under Spirituality, I’m given to understand I’ll reach a higher understanding of my “inner riches” and may “embark on a solitary path of healing magic.” In the booklet that came with this deck, the definition is much more vague.

Outcome of Day: Well, I think the good fortune with my “job” came through, and that the card was actually referring to writing stability, not financial stability. I need to remember to take these definitions a bit more figuratively. I hit a breakthrough on my story planning for one of my books—one of my three possibilities for Nano—and got a whopping (for me) four plot cards on it. I’m feeling more optimistic and enthusiastic over this project than I’ve felt for any other writing in a long, long time. I’m hoping this enthusiasm and focus remains with me long enough to get me through November.

ROW: THC1 (SciFant) #1

Deck: Rider Waite

Date: spread – 21 October 2015; reading – 25 October 2015

Time: 19:48

Spread: My own Beginning, Middle, End Spread, but using only the Beginning column of the spread.

Overview of the beginning (first third) of the book
Reading: In Power Tarot, there is little in any of the sections I prefer to refer to which I feel fits this card, and even less in the other sections. As a result, I’ve resorted to the general description of the card, which indicates that my current stance regarding my overall view of the project is detachment from its issues. I think this may well be the case in some respects, and I can see how this attitude can get in the way of working on the project at all, never mind make progress on it.

Issues with the beginning
Reading: The primary message of this card, at least in relation to my writing, seems to indicate problems with ideas. No, I’m not reading the card as reversed, but this card has a lot to do with abundance and prosperity (most typically the financial kind, though I’m not reading the definition in terms of money for this), and this spot in this spread is for issues with the beginning. So, I’m suffering a lack of abundance of ideas, which is the complete truth. They aren’t flowing as well as I’d like them to, for certain.

What may help in overcoming these Issues
Reading: This card seems to be telling me that I must face one more challenge in order to get over the issues I have with the beginning of THC1. I think I need to clarify this card because I don’t know just what the challenge may entail.

The results
Reading: According to this card, I’ll be besieged by ideas once I work past the issues with the opening of this story. I would dearly love this. It’s been so long since I’ve been besieged by ideas on any project that I can’t recall the last time it’s happened.

Notes: (25 Oct) Wondering how accurate this will be for me at this point, a number of days after I spread the cards, although I can’t say as I’ve made much progress on THC1 over the interim.

DOCR for 17 October 2015

Deck: Rider Waite Deck

Time: 00:19

Card: Four of Wands

Morning Interpretation: From “em>The Key to the Tarot, I’m told this represents the country life. Prosperity and harmony. Concord and repose. Well, in Power Tarot, this is about prosperity and good things too. Empowerment tells me to rejoice, because I’ve earned my happiness. Under Work, I’m told I’m entering “a new prosperous period.” Seeing how well Work fits what I feel to be my situation right now (see Notes below), I’m inclined to think the In A Reading should be read metaphorically, not literally. Or, rather, more metaphorically than I usually try to interpret these cards.

Outcome of Day: I have a very productive day with my writing. I want to write on both projects and am now seeing more of the middle of THC1. Not as much as I’d like, but I’ve also pinpointed the end, which was what I needed before I could feel secure about making further progress. Also figured out an important behind-the-scenes plot point for yet another trilogy—to follow the ALON trilogy. So all in all a good day.

Notes: (morning) The definitions of this card in Power Tarot indicate to me that I’ve attained my writing mind once more. I’m up past midnight again, but before the turn of the day, I made progress on an idea that’s been stagnant, and my desire to write has surfaced. It looks like ALON1, and another story set on the same world, THC1, are going to be in competition for being my Nano project now. I’m looking forward to making progress on both of them, regardless of which one I write.